Sep 28, 2021 cl_admin

Complaw are specialists in Noise Induced Hearing Loss compensation claims, with over 30 years experience in this field.

We offer free hearing tests, which will allow us to determine your eligibility for a hearing loss claim. The test is performed by experienced industrial audiometrists, who have been in the hearing industry over 15 years.

Complaw offers testing at our sites in Dandenong, Sunshine, Thomastown and Melbourne CBD. Compensation for hearing loss claims can be tricky, as the WorkSafe/Comcare agents tend to reject them quite often without sound reasons. That is where we come in with our years of experience in the field.

The Claim Process

1. Free hearing test, which will determine eligibility for compensation. The audiometric hearing test only takes approx. 10 minutes. The Audiometrist will analyse these results at the time of the appointment and can determine if you are eligible to apply for compensation.

2. If you decide to proceed with the claim the results will be handed over to our experienced lawyers and an appointment will be organised to complete your claim application.

3. Your claim will be submitted and the Worksafe insurer will organise for you to attend a medical appointment with an ENT specialist. The results of this test will determine if you will be offered any compensation and/ or hearing aids.

To organise a free hearing test or make an enquiry call our office on (03) 8636 1827 or make an enquiry here.